Oh boy, this is the most self-indulgent post I've ever posted. Ha! Oh well. It's my blog, and I thought this would be a fun way to wind up my SDCC report week. So sit back and try not to cringe at my ugly mug as we look at my Top 5 Favorite Pics of Me at SDCC!
1. Me Doing My Best Bartman
This is one of those stupid momets where you're walking by something and then you mimic it and then some one takes a pic and it's really not that clever, but dang if I didn't totally nail that Bartman impression.
2. Me Meeting Larry Franks from the Dukes of Hazzard Collector Blog!
See?! I'm not the only Dukes of Hazzard collector on the planet! Heck, I'm not even the biggest Dukes collector on the planet. That honor has got to go to Larry Franks, whose collection makes mine look like a shoebox full of rocks.
Larry was great to talk to and I only wish we could have chatted more, but we were both working booths at the opposite ends of the convention center.
3. Me and Snoopy
If it really comes down to it, even more so than Batman, this adventurous beagle was my first hero. I also dig this pic because we're both wearing the same color.
4. Me and The Pizz!
A few years back, I was an avid reader of Juxtapoz magazine and was neck deep int he whole Kustom Kulture/Hot Rod/Lowbrow art movement and along with artists like J.R. Williams, Coop and Shag, I was all about the artwork of The Pizz. So I was stoked when he just came strolling into my booth.
5. Me Heading Home
I had to catch an early flight on Sunday, so I had to split a couple of hours before the con officially ended. Right as I threw on my backpack and grabbed my luggage, my boss held up his camera, and I gave him a sort of visual "fist-bump" as if to say, "We totally killed it, man." And we did.