Saturday, December 8, 2012

Dork Horde Secret Santa Reminder!

Just a reminder kiddies, the deadline for getting your name on the list for the first annual Dork Horde Secret Santa Gift exchange is TONIGHT BY 11:59 PM! But, to be honest, as long as you get it to me by the time I wake up tomorrow morning, I'm sure you'll still get in. After all, I won't be mixing up the names until I get at least two cups of coffee in me, anyway.

Here's the rules again, in case any of you missed them before...

YOU MUST BE A CURRENT DORK HORDE MEMBER AS OF THIS POSTING TO PARTICIPATE! Sorry, but that's the whole point of being part of a club.

If you'd like to get in on this (by the way, it is not mandatory) and are currently a Dork Horde member, simply email your full mailing address along with a brief list of the kind of things you like (let's keep it realistic, gang) to reisobrien[at]gmail[dot]com with DORK HORDE SECRET SANTA in the subject line NO LATER THAN 11:59 PM on SATURDAY, DEC. 8th. I'll gather up everyone's names and randomize them, then send out emails that following Sunday (Dec. 9th) night with who your gift-getter is.

Let's keep the gift value between $10-$20 and really try to Christmas-ize the whole thing (perhaps with a nice card, some candy, an ornament, etc.). Also, let's try to get these all mailed out by Monday Dec. 17th to give the packages a fighting chance of arriving by Christmas.

Again, let's all band together to keep this easy and fun for all!

So far, we've got 9 total members signed up, but would gladly like to see the rest of you join in (again, not obligated). Also, we've got a couple of Canadian brothers, so if anyone is cool with shipping to Canada (it's always a few bucks more to ship), let me know.

Happy HORDE-idays! (See what I did there?)